Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am in one of those periods of time when I cannot sleep again. There is just too much going on at work and I am behind on a project so instead of sleeping I end up staring at this little screen.

So I looked up some articles on this topic and to my surprise, exercise actually keeps people awake if they exercise too close to bedtime. Now since exercise is a rare and novel event in my life, I am certain that this does not apply to me but I do remember that exercise can make you pretty tired so this one is a puzzle to me. The website I found this on is filled with photos of fit people so maybe the rules are different for the slim and trim rather than the round and well padded.

The article is at http://http//www.fitbuff.com/i-cant-sleep-4-common-causes-of-insomnia/ in case you are interested.

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