This is pretty tall order since our university is not a very large one and 250 works of art is a large collection of work. So this is an opportunity for you. If you ever wanted to participate in an art show but were afraid to try, this is your chance.
Remember how much fun you had with your craft before you got serious about it? This show is your chance to create something for the simple joy of creating. The pieces are limited in size to small works. It will not take that much time and since the theme is decided, you have a defined starting point.
I have not painted since I was in junior high school but after reading about Carey, I have decided to give it a shot. I want to reclaim the fun I had when I was young before other people decided that it was important to be “good” at art. My painting may end up with child-like egg people in it but I do have a plan and large stack of scrap paper. I am also making a silver piece which is more in my comfort zone but even that is a little risky since I am trying out a new construction technique. I am having a wonderful time with my colored pencils and crayons sketching this out.
So what are you going to make? You know you can do it; pick up your favorite tool of choice or try something new. It is a celebration after all of a man who overcame tremendous odds to reach his goal. Carey's most famous quote was:
“Expect great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!”
What better way to celebrate than by being part of something larger than your individual efforts that cannot be complete without the work of many hands? Be part of a great thing, a celebration of the missionary spirit.You can read about the show at this link; there is about a month until the exhibit.
For inspiration you might want to read about the life of William Carey.
William Carey: Missionary-Evangelist
William Carey, Father of Modern Protestant missions
What Difference Can One Person Make? (William Carey)
Hi Karen, I found your blog on the link from Head, Heart, Hand (which was linked from WC University). That is so exciting that you are encouraging people to get involved in the art exhibit/tribute. I am on my own artist journey, waking the dormant artist within (and reading this AWESOME book, which I'd recommend to anyone with the slightest creative urge: The Artist's Way). I'm not very familiar with William Carey (unfortunately!) but I think I will research him. Thanks for your post.