Friday, May 15, 2009

On Not Working

Most people when you tell them you work in education assume that they know exactly what that is all about since everyone went to school and so everyone is an expert on what teachers do. I am now in the middle of the famous “break”; you know the one that all professors enjoy where we lounge at home in our spacious private libraries, drink fine wines and sample French cheese with our colleagues while we devise new mental torments for students for next term.

Except I have no spacious library, cannot afford good wine and (heresy!) I do not like French cheese. All my colleagues have vanished from the live campus so that we can clean up the paperwork from the last term before the new term begins.

I have a nice little stack of paperwork of my very own; reports to write, records to update and some bookkeeping to catch up on for a professional society. I spent most of this past week out of town working on a new engineering graphics book and I did spend one day doing nothing really useful except for getting my hair done.

Now I suppose I could get to work on the mental torment bit . . . but then why would we need computer systems? I have just received a notice to change my password so that I do not lose system access and I love how this always seems arrive to when I am most likely to overlook this notice. I bet that most students are not even thinking about campus e-mail the first week after finals. Perfect timing.

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