Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Medical Emergency ID Wallet Card

Passed a lot of automobile accidents on my way home from Thanksgiving.  It made me think about personal preparedness.

One of the things we should all have is a medical emergency card.  There is a free site that produces a completed (ICE -in case of emergency) information card that proves invaluable in providing treatment when you are unable to speak for yourself. It is provided by a company that sells medical ID jewelry as a public service.

Follow this link to create your own

 I hope you never need this, but it is better to be prepared than to regret your inaction later. Happy travels for the Christmas Season.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Power Tool Saftey

I recently finished teaching a course that included information on developing effective safety lessons for the use of power tools. While collecting materials for that class, I can across an excellent site that contains high quality free safety videos for working with power tools.  The Power Tool Institute  is an organization that works to to building global understanding of power tools and for maintaining high standards of safety and quality control in the industry.

This a an excellent resource for anyone teaching or working with power tools.   The link is for PTI is loacted at  http://www.powertoolinstitute.com/.  I have also linked  four of these videos in the sidebar menu under Links for Teachers. Look for the PTI video links.